Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine

Title abbreviation: Adv Clin Exp Med
JCR Impact Factor (IF) – 2.1 (5-Year IF – 2.0)
Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) (2023) – 0.4
Scopus CiteScore – 3.7 (CiteScore Tracker 3.8)
Index Copernicus  – 171.00; MNiSW – 70 pts

ISSN 1899–5276 (print)
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Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine

2016, vol. 25, nr 2, March-April, p. 341–347

doi: 10.17219/acem/33466

Publication type: original article

Language: English

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Cardiovascular Risk Factors Among Lower Silesian Students of the Faculty of Medicine: Knowledge and Distribution

Dariusz Kałka1,A,B,F, Zygmunt Domagała2,C,D, Lesław Rusiecki1,C, Bohdan Gworys2,E, Piotr Kolęda1,B, Paweł Dąbrowski2,E, Teresa Szawrowicz-Pełka1,B, Anna Biełous1,B, Małgorzata Micał-Strąk1,B, Witold Pilecki1,A,F

1 Department of Pathophysiology, Wroclaw Medical University, Poland

2 Department of Anatomy, Wroclaw Medical University, Poland


Background. Cardiovascular disease is a major contributor to the global burden of disease. Further reduction of cardiovascular mortality will require multidirectional prevention. Popularizing prevention measures requires the involvement of qualified and well-educated personnel. Before any modifications of educational programs it is necessary to assess the level of knowledge of future physicians.
Objectives. The aim of the study was to evaluate medical students’ knowledge of cardiovascular (CV) risk factors. The paper presents the outcomes of a study investigating the knowledge of CV risk factors and the prevalence of those risk factors in the study population.
Material and Methods. The study was conducted between 2007 and 2012 and the study population was comprised of 1406 students (497 men and 909 women) from South and South Western Poland. A survey designed by the authors, based on the Framingham survey, was used for the interviews.
Results. The students correctly identified 4.38 ± 0.91 CV risk factors. The most frequently listed risk factors for cardiovascular diseases were a lack of physical activity and a fat-rich diet. The study participants who identified CV risk factors more or less accurately do not follow the recommendations aimed at prevention. Awareness, even relatively high awareness, does not correlate with a healthy lifestyle. Extreme examples of this are people who are aware of the negative effects of cigarette smoking but continue to smoke.
Conclusion. The study revealed an insufficient level of awareness of CV risk factors among medical students.

Key words

young adults, risk factor awareness, CVD risk factors, CVD risk assessment

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