Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine

Title abbreviation: Adv Clin Exp Med
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Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine

2015, vol. 24, nr 1, January-February, p. 93–98

doi: 10.17219/acem/38160

Publication type: original article

Language: English

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Tissue Factor and Other Hemostatic Parameters in Patients with Advanced Peripheral Artery Disease After Endovascular Revascularization – Search for Hemostatic Factors which Indicate Restenosis

Daniel Kotschy1,A,B,C,E, Maria Kotschy1,C,D, Paweł Socha1,G, Leszek Masłowski1,G, Justyna Kwapisz1,B, Natalia Żuk1,G, Joanna Dubis1,G, Maciej Karczewski1,G, Wojciech Witkiewicz1,F

1 WROVASC Integrated Cardiovascular Center, Research and Development Center, Regional Specialized Hospital, Wrocław, Poland


Background. In patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD) a hypercoagulable state and thromboembolic complications occur. Revascularization procedures increase this state, sometimes leading to restenosis. Restenosis following balloon angioplasty (PTA)and stent implantation is ≥ 50% of artery stenosis.
Objectives. To determine the concentration of tissue factor (TF), tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI), thrombin–antithrombin (TAT) complexes, fibrinogen and D-dimers in the blood of patients with PAD after peripheral endovascular revascularization of the lower legs and in PAD patients with restenosis.
Material and Methods. The study included 150 patients with PAD, 90 men and 60 women, aged 44–88 (mean 65.5) years, after successful peripheral angioplasty (PTA) and/or with stenting. During the 6 months after the revascularization procedures, restenosis occurred in 27 patients. The reference group consisted of 53 healthy persons (44 men and 9 women, aged 20–56 years). Blood was drawn in the morning into 3.2% natrium citrate at a ratio of 9 : 1. The concentration of TF, TFPI, TAT complexes and D-dimers were measured in plasma with commercial tests using an enzyme immunoassay. Fibrinogen was determined with coagulometer.
Results. In the plasma of patients with PAD after endovascular revascularization, the concentrations of TF, TAT complexes, fibrinogen and D-dimers were significantly higher compared to the reference group. During the six months of observation, 27 patients developed restenosis. The results of hemostatic factors in patients with restenosis were compared with the same patients before restenosis and the group of 123 PAD patients after endovascular revascularization. TF and fibrinogen levels in the 27 patients with restenosis were significantly higher than in the group of PAD patients before restenosis.
Conclusion. Statistically significantly higher levels of tissue factor (TF) and fibrinogen in PAD patients with new restenosis, compared to those without restenosis after endovascular revascularization, indicate they can participate in the formation of restenosis.

Key words

PAD, endovascular revascularization, restenosis, hemostasis.

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