Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine
2014, vol. 23, nr 2, March-April, p. 185–190
Publication type: original article
Language: English
Relevance of Serology for Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Infection Among Children with Persistent Cough
1 University of Medicine, department of Microbiology, Wroclaw Medical University, Poland
2 University of Medicine, 1st department and clinic of Paediatrics, allergology and cardiology, Wroclaw Medical University, Poland
Background. Mycoplasma pneumoniae is an important cause of upper and lower respiratory tract infections. cough and tracheobronchitis are the commonest features of M. pneumoniae infection but diagnosis based on clinical symptoms that may be due to other respiratory pathogens is impossible. Thus laboratory testing for M. pneumoniae is particularly important. correct and rapid diagnosis of M. pneumoniae infections is of prime importance to introduce appropriate antibiotic treatment.
Objectives. evaluation of the incidence of IgM and IgG antibodies specific to M. pneumoniae among children with pneumonia and/or chronic cough.
Material and Methods. Serum samples from 148 children with a history of chronic cough (lasting at least one month), recurrent respiratory tract infections, allergic rhinitis, and/or inflammatory changes on X-chest ray. first, all sera were screened for specific anti-M. pneumoniae antibodies using agglutination test following the detection of specific IgM and IgG anti-M. pneumoniae antibodies using immunoenzymatic assays.
Results. Out of the 148 serum samples, 57 (38.5%) gave positive screening results. However, the presence of M. pneumoniae-specific IgM and/or IgG antibodies was confirmed by immunoenzymatic assays in only 30 (52.6%) of these 57 positive samples. These results indicated that in as many as 27 (47.4%) out of the 57 serum samples screened, false-positive results occurred.
Conclusion. evaluation of acuteand convalescent-phase sera is necessary to make possible accurate interpretation of the serological testing results.
Key words
Mycoplasma pneumoniae, serology, persistent cough.
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