Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine
2013, vol. 22, nr 5, September-October, p. 655–658
Publication type: original article
Language: English
Levels of Insulin, IL-6 and CRP in Patients with Unstable Angina
Stężenie insuliny, IL-6 i CRP u pacjentów chorych na niestabilną dławicą piersiową
1 College of Dentistry, University of Baghdad, Bab Al Mozam, Baghdad, Iraq
2 Chemistry Department, Collage of Science Al-Nahrain University, Al-Jadrya, Baghdad, Iraq
Background. Unstable angina is a condition in which your heart doesn’t get enough blood flow and oxygen. It may lead to a heart attack. Insulin resistance is typically defined as decreased sensitivity or responsiveness to metabolic actions of insulin, such as insulin-mediated glucose disposal in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue and inhibition of hepatic glucose production. Crosstalk between inflammatory signaling pathways and insulin signaling pathways causes metabolic insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction.
Objectives. The present study aimed to evaluate the serum levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and insulin in unstable angina patients.
Material and Methods. The study included 50 patients with unstable angina divided into a female group which contained 16 female patients with an age range of 35–73 years, and a male group which contained 34 male patients with an age range of 40–72 years. Control groups contained forty healthy individuals divided into a female group which contained 16 healthy females with an age range of 35–73 years, and a male group which contained 24 males with an age range of 42–72 years. ELISA kits were used to measure insulin, IL-6 and CRP. The kits were imported from Biological Company in the United States of America.
Results. The levels of insulin and IL-6 were considerably elevated throughout (p < 0.001), an optimistic relationship concerning insulin with CRP and IL-6 in unstable angina patients.
Conclusion. There was increase in the level of insulin regarding patients with unsteady angina as a result of insulin resistance that was caused by the elevated level of proinflammatory cytokine (IL-6).
Key words
insulin, CRP, IL-6, unstable angina.
Słowa kluczowe
insulina, CRP, IL-6, niestabilna dławica piersiowa.
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