Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine

Title abbreviation: Adv Clin Exp Med
JCR Impact Factor (IF) – 2.1 (5-Year IF – 2.0)
Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) (2023) – 0.4
Scopus CiteScore – 3.7 (CiteScore Tracker 3.8)
Index Copernicus  – 171.00; MNiSW – 70 pts

ISSN 1899–5276 (print)
ISSN 2451-2680 (online)
Periodicity – monthly

Crosstalk Between Behavioral Domains in Mental Illnesses and Comorbidity

Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine

Adv Clin Exp Med

Call for submissions of an Expression of Interest for an Adv Clin Exp Med Special Collection on

Crosstalk Between Behavioral Domains in Mental Illnesses and Comorbidity


Handling Editor: Dr. Masaru Tanaka

Cognition, emotion, motivation, and social behavior are reciprocal and interactive components of human functioning, which are disturbed and manifested as symptoms in patients suffering from a wide range of diseases, including neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders. These illnesses impose one of the most difficult and complex challenges on clinical and experimental research arenas due to their polygenic, multifactorial and heterogeneous causative factors. The Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) frames six major behavioral domains consisting of several constructs, matrixed with several units of analysis, transforming the understanding and treatment of mental disorders.

This Special Collection highlights the most recent advances in clinical and experimental medicine in the fields of neurology and psychiatry with the RDoC approach. We cordially invite authors to contribute original research articles focusing on (but not limited to) the following:

  • etiology, pathogenesis and progression mechanisms;
  • early diagnosis including biomarker, bio-imaging and biosensors;
  • prophylactic, disease-modifying and therapeutic strategies, novel targets;
  • novel drug discovery and development, naturally driven biomedicines, natural bioactive molecules and vaccines;
  • preclinical in vitro models and animal models;
  • bench-to-bedside translation research;
  • bedside-to-bench translational research.

Comprehensive review, systematic review and meta-analysis articles are also welcome.



Neurologic disease; Alzheimer’s disease; Parkinson’s disease; multiple sclerosis; stroke; psychiatric disease; depression; anxiety; dementia; schizophrenia; somatic symptom disorder; chronic pain; autism spectrum disorder; hyperactive attention deficit disorder


Submission process

As a first step, we ask for submissions of an Expression of Interest with an Abstract of original papers outlining the themes above to Adv Clin Exp Med Section Editor:

The Section Editor jointly with the Editor-in-Chief will review all submissions and select those which will be invited to submit a full paper. The submission process will then follow the regular Adv Clin Exp Med online process. All manuscripts will be sent to at least two independent reviewers.


Dates and fees

  • Submission of Expression of Interest until October 31, 2024;
  • Invitation to submit full paper by December 31, 2024;
  • Submission of full paper by March 31, 2025;
  • If accepted, Authors will be required to pay a fee ( to cover publication costs;
  • For selected Authors (outstanding experts), it is possible to reduce or even cancel the publication fee.

We are looking forward to a wide variety and truly global collection of papers and experiences to push worldwide science to the next level!