New article category – study protocol
Study Protocol articles provide a comprehensive overview of the design of prospective research, aiming to facilitate the dissemination of ongoing studies and enhance transparency in clinical and biomedical research. These articles outline the hypothesis, rationale, methodology, and ethical considerations of the study, serving as a valuable resource for researchers and clinicians.
We consider study protocols for proposed or ongoing prospective clinical research, provided that participant recruitment has not been completed at the time of submission. Protocols for retrospective studies, feasibility studies, or pilot studies are not eligible. Additionally, study protocols will not be considered if any articles reporting data from the study have already been published or are under review.
Submission Guidelines:
- Study Protocol articles undergo peer review.
- The manuscript should not exceed 3,500 words.
- A maximum of 10 figures and/or tables may be included.
- The paper should follow a 5-part structure: Highlights, Introduction, Methodology, Discussion, Conclusion.
- The abstract should not exceed 300 words and follow a 4-part structure: Introduction, Methodology, Discussion, Conclusion.
- Formal ethical approval of an appropriate ethics committee is mandatory.
- For clinical studies, registration in a public clinical trial registry is mandatory prior to manuscript submission.
- Authors are strongly encouraged to follow the SPIRIT guidelines (SPIRIT Statement).
This structured approach ensures that Study Protocol articles contribute meaningfully to the research community while maintaining rigorous academic and ethical standards.
Editor-in-Chief's Choice
Starting this year, the journal's website will regularly feature publications selected by the Editor-in-Chief for their potential to drive meaningful changes in healthcare and improve patient outcomes worldwide. We will provide specially curated content and podcasts to engage both researchers and the broader community, drawing attention to key issues of importance.
Please join us at Editor-in-Chief's Choice!
Chinese New Year
The Year of the Wood Snake – new year in Chinese zodiac – begins on January 29, 2025. The snake (蛇) is the sixth of the twelve-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar. The Year of the Snake is associated with the Earthly Branch symbol (巳).
The Snake represents wisdom, knowledge, intelligence, intuition and creativity. Snakes are also associated with good luck, prosperity, fertility and longevity. Snakes are also revered for their ability to shed their skin and renew themselves, symbolizing transformation and rebirth.
In Chinese Taoist and Traditional Chinese medicine thought, Wood attributes are considered to be strength and flexibility, as with bamboo. The wood element is one that seeks ways to grow and expand. Wood heralds the beginning of life, dawn, springtime and buds, sensuality and fecundity. It is also associated with qualities of warmth, generosity, cooperation, and idealism. In Chinese medicine, wood is associated with negative feelings of anger, hopelessness and positive feelings of optimism, courage, patience and the virtue of benevolence (Ren 仁).
These characteristics should also inspire our understanding of medicine. Like the snake shed their skin and live on, the physician helps the patients in leaving the disease – like the old skin – behind them. Similarly, like wood is flexible and full of life (understood both literally and metaphorically), medical researches must be flexible and proactive in their search for understanding and curing illnesses – in their quest for truth. Chinese forests – especially in Southern China – are characterized by dense vegetation. Tree branches become intertwined and animals can wander from one tree to another without even touching the ground. There are also snakes capable of such mode of locomotion, like ornate flying snake or Chinese green snake. The scientific community should be like such forest – a vast network of people supporting each other, with the common goal of advancing human quality of life.
We wish you all the best in the Year of the Wood Snake – the celebrations will be held in China, Taiwan, Singapore, and in Chinese communities around the world, but the symbolism of this Chinese zodiac sign can inspire all people, regardless of their ethnicity, culture and language.
We are introducing a new section – “Highlights” – in papers published in our journal. The “Highlights” section is the first in the main body of the paper – it should appear before the Background/Introduction section. The "Highlights" section provides a concise summary of the most significant findings and relevance of the article. It aims to help readers quickly understand the key aspects of the study and enhance the article’s visibility in scientific databases.
Guidelines for preparing “Highlights”
New CiteScore Tracker
Our CiteScore Tracker has increased from 4.1 to 4.2!
CiteScore Tracker follows how the current year’s CiteScore is building month by month, eliminating the need to wait until mid-year to see how a journal performed in the prior year. As new citations are received each month, the metric builds up, so you can get a more up-to-date look at the performance of the journal.
PROSPERO – a registry for protocols of systematic reviews
We strongly encourage authors of systematic reviews to register their detailed protocols before data extraction commences in a public registry such as PROSPERO ( The number obtained during the registration should be provided in the submitted paper – both in the Materials and Methods section and at the end of the main body of the manuscript – using the following disclaimer:
This systematic review has been registered in the PROSPERO registry under No. [NUMBER PROVIDED BY PROSPERO].
More information about PROSPERO here:
Prospective registration of systematic reviews promotes transparency, helps reduce potential for bias and serves to avoid unintended duplication of reviews. A single point of access to information about ongoing reviews should also help avoid the unintended duplication of reviews and wasting of resources, a consideration that is more important than ever in the current economic climate.
Registration allows researchers to comply with PRISMA and provides a permanent public record of their planned methods. It may also help raise awareness of their review. Use of the unique registration number may be useful in helping track subsequent use or citation of the review to monitor its impact.
Commissioning and funding organizations can utilize PROSPERO to identify ongoing and unpublished reviews to help them avoid unplanned duplication and waste of financial resources.
Guideline developers could use information about forthcoming reviews to assist in the planning and timing of guideline development.
Peer reviewers will be able to link a manuscript to the corresponding registration record (and, where available, through to the full protocol). The registration record and/or the protocol may provide important additional information about, and clarity regarding, the methods that are absent from the manuscript. It could also speed the process because some issues of clarification that would otherwise be sent back to the authors as questions could be resolved by checking the registration record or protocol, thereby circumventing a round of question-and-response between reviewers, journal editors and authors..
The most active reviewer for our journal in the year 2024
We are pleased to announce that in the past year, the most active reviewer for Adv Clin Exp Med was Dr. Talha Bin Emran, who performed as many as 94 reviews.
Please accept our congratulations and gratitude.
New call for submissions: From Bench to Bedside: Advances in Neuroinflammation and CNS Disorder Research
The editors of this special collection invite submissions exploring the latest advances in clinical and experimental research on neuroinflammation in the central nervous system (CNS). Neuroinflammation is at the forefront of neuroscience, shaping our understanding of CNS disorders such as neurodegenerative disease, psychiatric disorders and traumatic brain injuries. This collection aims to unite diverse perspectives, fostering insights into the complex cellular and molecular mechanisms driving neuroinflammatory processes. We encourage the submission of original research, meta-analyses and comprehensive review articles that shed light on diagnostic, therapeutic and mechanistic aspects of CNS inflammation.
We are particularly interested in manuscripts that explore the interplay between immune cells, neurons and glia, with a focus on translational research. Contributions detailing innovative diagnostic approaches, therapeutic targets or computational models are highly welcome. Join this effort to advance the boundaries of neuroinflammation research and contribute to groundbreaking findings that bridge laboratory and clinical neuroscience.
New call for submissions: Obesity Over the Life Span
This Special Issue of Adv Clin Exp Med will provide focused, comprehensive coverage of key clinical and public health issues related to obesity. Over the last 3 decades, the global prevalence of obesity has more than doubled, reflecting profound shifts in lifestyle, diet and environmental determinants of health. Obesity has become the dominant form of malnutrition worldwide, contributing to a broad spectrum of health complications, including chronic diseases, functional impairments and reduced quality of life.
This Call for Submissions aims to provide researchers and clinicians with an opportunity to publish original research meta-analyses, and review articles addressing recent advances in the epidemiology, prevention, and treatment of obesity. Emphasis will be placed on multidisciplinary approaches, personalized management strategies, and the life-course perspective of this growing epidemic.
Authorship and AI tools – COPE position statement
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, such as ChatGPT or Large Language Models, in research publications is expanding rapidly. COPE joins organisations, such as WAME and the JAMA Network among others, to state that AI tools cannot be listed as an author of a paper.
AI tools cannot meet the requirements for authorship, as they cannot take responsibility for the submitted work. As non-legal entities, they cannot assert the presence or absence of conflicts of interest nor manage copyright and license agreements.
Authors who use AI tools in the writing of a manuscript, production of images or graphical elements of the paper, or in the collection and analysis of data, must be transparent in disclosing in the Materials and methods (or similar section) of the paper how the AI tool was used and which tool was used. Authors are fully responsible for the content of their manuscript, even those parts produced by an AI tool, and are thus liable for any breach of publication ethics.
The above statement has been published by the Committee on Publication Etics (COPE) and is available on the official website of COPE: Authorship and AI tools
Suggested peer reviewers
Authors of each submitted manuscript are required to suggest 3 potential peer reviewers. Fulfilling this requirement is paramount to alleviating the peer-review crisis is scientific publishing and is mandatory.
Suggested reviewer has to be:
- from a different country than any of the authors;
- a specialist in a relevant field of medicine (There have been instances where the recommended reviewers were from completely unrelated scientific fields, sometimes not even within medicine.).
Please provide the following information concerning the suggested reviewers:
- name;
- institutional e-mail;
- link to the institutional personal page of the reviewer (if possible).
This would facilitate proper identification and traceability to their professional profile and respective institutions.
The suggested reviewers cannot have a conflict of interest as described here:
We work with the best!
Experts from Stanford University under the supervision of Prof. John Ioannidis, in cooperation with Elsevier, prepared the 7th version of a publicly available database of top-cited scientists that provides standardized information on citations, h-index, co-authorship adjusted hm-index, citations to papers in different authorship positions, and a composite indicator (c-score). This database includes a list of the top 2% most widely cited scientists in various disciplines. Separate data are shown for career-long and, separately, for single recent year impact. Metrics with and without self-citations and ratio of citations to citing papers are given. The selection is based on the top 100,000 scientists by c-score (with and without self-citations) or a percentile rank of 2% or above in the sub-field. The most recent (7th) version is based on the contents of Scopus from October 1, 2023, updated to end of citation year 2022.
This list shows how many top researchers are in our Scientific Committee and among our section editors – 15! It’s a clear proof that really experienced and renowned specialist want to work with us and contribute to the development of Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine!
The congratulations go to: Simone Battaglia, Maria Bujnowska-Fedak, Antonio Cano, Breno Diniz, Erwan Donal, Christos Lionis, Adam Matkowski, Monika Sawhney, James E. Sharman, Jamil A. Shibli, Jacek Szepietowski, Masaru Tanaka, Izabella Uchmanowicz, László Vécsei, and Hao Zhang.
The database is available here:
New Index Copernicus Value
The Index Copernicus Value (ICV) of Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine has increased from 161.11 for 2022 to 171.00 for 2023. Special thanks go to all our authors, reviewers and section editors, whose hard work, commitment and competence have made this achievement possible.
Index Copernicus Value is an evaluation standard for scientific journals. Its unique character is guaranteed by the fact that it enables annual organizing the list of scientific journals from all around the world within ICI Journals Master List. It also gives – in the extended version – specific guidelines in relation to functional areas of a scientific journal that have to be improved in order to increase citation rate. The ICV index has been recognized by e.g. public administration authorities, scientific units and other subject associated with science.
Index Copernicus (IC) is an online database of user-contributed all information, including profiles of scientists, as well as of scientific institutions, publications and projects established in 1999 in Poland, and operated by Index Copernicus International. The database, named after Nicolaus Copernicus (who triggered the Copernican Revolution), has several assessment tools to track the impact of scientific works and publications, individual scientists, or research institutions.
EndNote and references
If you use EndNote software to manage your references, you can format them automatically into our required reference format (AMA citation style) using this file.
- Download the style file.
- Double-click the style file. It should open in EndNote.
- In EndNote, go to “File Menu” and choose “Save As”. Replace the word “copy” with your style’s name and click “Save”.
- Click on “File Menu” and choose “Close Style”.
EndNote: Finding the American Medical Association (AMA) Style
EndNote: Install Additional Output Styles (
Our new policy concerning data sharing
All original papers and research letters submitted to Adv Clin Exp Med since August 15, 2024, will be subject to our new policy concerning data sharing.
Adv Clin Exp Med requires the Authors of all original papers and research letters to make all data necessary to replicate the results of their study publicly available without restriction when the paper is submitted to the journal (relevant information must be registered in the Editorial System at the time of submission). The following provisions apply only to original papers (including research letters). They do not apply to reviews and meta-analyses.
Our Journal Citation Indicator (JCI)
The value of JCI for the year 2023 for Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine is 0.4 – and increase from the value for 2022, which was 0.38.
The Journal Citation Indicator is the average Category Normalized Citation Impact (CNCI) of citable items (articles & reviews) published by a journal over a recent three year period. The value of the Journal Citation Indicator is the mean CNCI for all articles and reviews published in a journal in the preceding three years. For example, for the 2020 Journal Citation Indicator value, the years under analysis are 2017, 2018 and 2019. As in the CNCI measurement, the Journal Citation Indicator calculation controls for different fields, document types (articles, reviews, etc.) and year of publication. The resulting number represents the relative citation impact of a given paper as the ratio of citations compared to a global baseline.
The Journal Citation Indicator is designed to complement the JIF – the original and longstanding metric for journal evaluation – and other metrics currently used in the research community. In addition to the use of normalization, there are several key differences between the Journal Citation Indicator and the JIF. For example, the Journal Citation Indicator’s calculation on three years of publications contrasts with the two-year window employed for the JIF. This three-year calculation enables the Journal Citation Indicator to be as current as possible, while also allowing more time for publications to accrue citations.
Also, the JIF calculation is based on citations made in the current year, while the Journal Citation Indicator counts citations from any time period following publication, up to the end of the current year.
Change in the rules of incentive for reviewers
Since January 1, 2021, our Reviewers receive 5 points for each review prepared for our journal. A total of 20 points allows them to publish an article in Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine free of charge, provided that they are the first or the last author of a given article. Since July 1, 2024, The points are valid for 2 years (24 months) counting from the day when a paper authored by our reviewer is initially accepted for publication and a requirement for paying APC appears (e.g., when the paper was initially accepted on July 1, 2024, 20 points must have been amassed within previous 24 months, that is from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2024).
If an author knows or supposes that they are eligible for APC waiver, they should contact the Managing Editor: [alternative e-mail for Chinese authors:] – the Editorial System does not always remind editors about such eligibility.
New Impact Factor
According to Journal Citation Reports 2024 released on June 20, 2024, the journal Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine retained the Impact Factor (IF) of 2.1. It may not sound impressive, but in fact, it is so – in such a dynamic (not always in a positive sense) environment like scientific publishing receiving stably high evaluation results from the most regarded institution – Clarivate – is a proof of constantly satisfying performance and considerable scientific reliability. This is also shown by another parameter – in the category Medicine, Research & Experimental, we moved into the 3rd quartile (Q3; 118/189). It is worth emphasizing that for the first time our journal is listed in Q3 in this highly competitive group. Most of the top scientific medical journals are listed in this category because they all include original experimental papers in each issue. Moving upward in such environment (with a stable IF at the same time) is an unquestionable success.
The Scopus indices confirm that retaining high Impact Factor value reflects reality: CiteScore has increased from 3/4 to 3.7, while the journal is listed Q1 in the category Reviews and References, and Q2 in the category Medicine (miscellaneous), Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology. Both the IF and the Scopus indices clearly shows that our position within the scientific journals’ community has strengthened – we publish more and more cutting-edge research and our papers are cited in other prestigious scientific journals. We are striving and will be striving to make it even higher!
Special thanks go to all our authors, reviewers and section editors, whose hard work, commitment and competence have made this achievement possible. Disseminating science is a mission; the journal Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine is a part of a great project of making people in the whole world healthier and happier!
New Cite Score
We proudly inform our readers that our Scopus CiteScore has increased from 3.4 for 2022 to 3.7 for 2023. Our current Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) is 0.535 and Source Normalized Impact Paper (SNIP) is 0.610. Steadily rising bibliometric scores of Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine confirm our expanding influence among scientific medical journals. CiteScore Tracker is also higher than a year before – 2.6 in June 2023 and 3.3 in June 2024.
Our copyright declaration
The Author/Author(s) declare that:
a) they are copyright holders to the scientific work/publication;
b) they are entitled to dispose of copyright for the purposes of the concluded license/publishing agreement with the Wroclaw Medical University;
c) they created the work/publication on their own;
d) the work/publication does not violate the rights of third parties.
In the event that a third party files a claim against Wroclaw Medical University as a result of the inconsistency of the Author's statements or assurances, the Author is obliged to immediately cover the full amount of all damages, costs, and expenses incurred by Wroclaw Medical University in connection with such claims. This includes damages and costs awarded by a competent court or resulting from the content of the settlement concluded with the aggrieved party, as well as costs of legal services.
Our rules concerning usage of AI tools
These guidelines only refer to the writing process (i.e., generating text using an AI tool), and not to the use of AI tools to analyze and draw insights from data as part of the research process. They do not apply to the use of basic tools for checking grammar, spelling, references etc.
Authors are allowed to use generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process before submission, but only to improve the language and readability of their paper and with the appropriate disclosure. Applying the technology should be done with human oversight and control, and authors should carefully review and edit the result, as AI can generate authoritative-sounding output that can be incorrect, incomplete or biased. AI and AI-assisted technologies should not be listed as an author or co-author, or be cited as an author. Authorship implies responsibilities and tasks that can only be attributed to and performed by humans. Please note that authors are ultimately responsible and accountable for the contents of the work.
New statistical guidelines
Editors of Adv Clin Exp Med are well aware that correct analysis of statistical data and reporting the results of such analysis is not easy even for experienced researchers – because we are dealing with really, not only ostensibly complicated matters. Specialists from the Centre for Statistical Analysis at the Wroclaw Medical University want to provide you as much help as guidance as possible – and prepared these detailed guidelines for all authors wishing to submit their manuscripts to our journal.
New guidelines for our peer-reviewers
The integrity of the publication process and the quick dissemination of research relies on timely, high-quality reviews. Your efforts in reviewing papers and book proposals are a crucial service to the academic community. Ensuring the utmost integrity and transparency when you review has a real impact on the quality of work in your field, and how quickly research reaches its audience. Thank you for considering your ethical responsibilities, and remember that you can always rely on Adv Clin Exp Med editors for advice and support on any ethical matter.
Increase of article-processing charge (APC)
Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine is a journal published in a golden open access model – each published paper is available online at no cost, without any embargos, subscriptions or paywalls. Everyone can access and download it without any restrictions. However, such a model requires an article-processing charge (APC) since the journal receives no payments from the readers. The APC is payable per the accepted article. Our APC is calculated to contribute to the costs associated with the publication process from peer review of the submitted manuscript, through to copy-editing and typesetting, to online hosting and dissemination of the published article. It is a prerequisite to ensure the unrestricted dissemination of your research in the scientific community and beyond. Therefore, from March 1, 2024 [Friday], 0:01 CET, our APC will increase.
The publication fee for manuscripts submitted since March 1, 2024 is:
1600 EUR / 6900 PLN for all types of papers.
We DO NOT charge publication fees for invited editorial and editorial commentaries.
If the paper was submitted until February 29, 2024, the following APCs apply:
– 990 EUR / 4900 PLN for original papers and meta-analyses;
– 700 EUR / 3500 PLN for reviews;
– 350 EUR / 1750 PLN for research-in-progress (RIP) papers and research letters.
The publication fee for manuscripts submitted until January 31, 2023 is:
– 700 EUR / 3500 PLN for original papers, meta-analyses and reviews;
– 350 EUR / 1750 PLN for research-in-progress (RIP) papers and research letters.
You do the research – we take care of the text
There are additional fees for the following optional services (if ordered by the Authors of the manuscript accepted for publication):
- 200 EUR / 880 PLN for linguistic editing;
- 200 EUR / 880 PLN for technical editing.
Services offered
Linguistic editing ensures that the English language of your manuscript is of the academic standard required for publication in our journal. It comprises correcting grammar, punctuation and spelling errors, pointing to inconsistencies, as well as removing or reformulating awkward or ambiguous sentences, while keeping, where possible, your voice and choice of words. We also suggest discipline-specific terms. In the proof sent to you, all our comments and doubts are clearly marked, so that you could make the necessary corrections.
Technical editing ensures that the structure of your manuscript follows the Adv Clin Exp Med house style. We reformat references (both in the text and the whole reference list) and look for missing information in the reference section. We improve the overall presentation by revising titles/subtitles, font, spacing, text alignment, and paragraph structure. We also edit equations and tables, and produce publication-ready figures that clearly communicate your research to readers. Figure editing enhances your charts and graphs, as well as graphical abstracts; it comprises revising the text included, colors, shading, border, size, resolution, and file type.
You can choose either or both of the abovementioned optional services, or decline them. When submitting the manuscript to Adv Clin Exp Med via the Editorial System, you will be provided with special checkboxes to select if needed. Following the acceptance of your article for publication, you will be asked to pay the basic APC and the additional fees for the chosen editing services.
Please be informed that the articles finally published in Adv Clin Exp Med must comply with the high standards of the journal.
More information: Managing Editor []
Our new requirements concerning figures
We implemented new requirements regarding figures – they stem from stipulations issued by databases and digital archives in which our journal is indexed.
We accept up to 10 figures (2 figures in Research letters). Overtly complex figures will be divided into smaller ones and the number of figures will be counted again. A single figure can have no more than 6 panels (A–F). One panel means one chart – multiple small charts cannot form one panel.
All elements of each figure must be legible when viewed on an A4 page in a PDF file in full-screen mode, without zooming. Overtly complex figures with multiple charts/graphs combined into one panel cannot fulfill this requirement. Figures of low quality cannot be published, and consequently, papers with low-quality figures will not be published, even if accepted by peer reviewers.
Figures should be placed in separate files, not pasted into the main body of the text. Name your figure files with "Fig" and the figure number, e.g., Fig.1.tiff.
References to Figures should be placed according to the sequence of citing them in the manuscript. The text should include references to all figures.
Each figure should have a concise, self-explanatory caption describing accurately what the figure depicts. Captions for the figures should be placed at the end of the main body of the text. Do not embed the legend in the figure file. When applicable, be sure that both the figure captions and the figures themselves contain corresponding labels for multiple parts. Identify all elements found in the figure in the figure caption; and use boxes, circles, etc., as coordinate points in graphs. If any magnification is used in the photographs, indicate this by using scale bars within the figures themselves. All abbreviations used in a given table/figure should be explained below it or in the caption, even if a given abbreviation has already been explained in the text.
If Authors used in the work any figures, photographs, charts, tables, etc. which are not their work, and are protected by the copyright law, they shall be obliged to provide the Publisher with a written authorization to use such materials issued by the author’s economic rights holders. Identify previously published material by giving the original source in the form of a reference citation at the end of the figure caption.
We’ve chosen to embed Altmetric Badges on our publications to help authors track the attention their research is receiving. By tracking unique identifiers such as DOIs, Altmetric collects article-level metrics and online conversations around articles published in Adv Clin Exp Med. Online mentions that contain links to the abstract landing page are picked up and collated, and the result is the Altmetric Attention Score and Badge.
You will find the Altmetric Badge at the top of each article’s page. When you click on the Altmetric Badge, you will be directed to the Altmetric Details Page, which will show you every mention for your article across Twitter, blogs, mass media outlets, Facebook, and more. View this video for an overview of the Altmetric Details Page.
Our rules concerning corrections, retractions and removals
The editorial office of Adv Clin Exp Med will carefully consider complaints, appeals and allegations in line with guidance from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). This applies both pre- and post-publication. Authors, readers or institutions can lodge complaints.
Our rules concerning appeals
The authors have the right to appeal against a rejection from Adv Clin Exp Med. An appeal is an extension of the peer review process, and the same ethical standards apply, so a request should not be submitted whilst the manuscript in question is under consideration by another publication.
Our rules concerning commentaries and discussions
Commentaries are short articles which outline an observation on a published article. If a researcher wishes to comment on a paper published in Adv Clin Exp Med, before formal submission, they should contact the journal with a pre-submission enquiry: [Managing Editor Marek Misiak, OR]. If approved for submission as a Commentary, they will be then invited to publish a brief commentary article, which will be bi-directionally linked to the original paper it discusses. A Commentary should consist of up to 1500 words, excluding references, and at most 2 tables or figures (2 tables and 2 figures at most in one paper). The number of references is not limited. A Commentary can have up to 2 authors. Commentaries should be written in a neutral tone, and must relate to the original published article. All such articles considered for publication will be subject to peer review, and the decision to accept or reject an article is at the editor’s discretion.
ACEM is a signatory of San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), which intends to halt the practice of correlating the journal impact factor to the merits of a specific scientist's contributions. Such practice creates biases and inaccuracies when appraising scientific research. It also states that the impact factor is not to be used as a substitute measure of the quality of individual research articles, or in hiring, promotion, or funding decisions. It has become a worldwide initiative covering all scholarly disciplines and all key stakeholders including funders, publishers, professional societies, institutions, and researchers. We encourage all individuals and organizations who are interested in developing and promoting best practice in the assessment of scholarly research to sign DORA.
Its objectives are:
1. Raise awareness. To call attention to new tools and processes in research assessment and the responsible use of metrics that align with core academic values and promote consistency and transparency in decision-making.
2. Facilitate implementation. To aid development of new policies and practices for hiring, promotion, and funding decisions.
3. Catalyze change. To spread research assessment reform broadly by working across scholarly disciplines and globally.
4. Improve equity. To call for broader representation of researchers in the design of research assessment practices that directly address the structural inequalities in academia.
How Journals and Publishers Can Help to Reform Research Assessment?
Using bar and line graphs to present statistical data
Figures in scientific publications are critically important because they often show the data supporting key findings. However, small sample size studies rarely include scatterplots, box plots and histograms that allow readers to critically evaluate continuous data. Most papers present continuous data as bar and line graphs. This is problematic, as many different data distributions can lead to the same bar or line graph. The full data may suggest different conclusions from the summary statistics.
This issue is concisely discussed [with examples] in this paper:
It is also worthy to read this paper:
Support from the Ministry
Our journal has received financial support within the “Social Responsibility of Science – Support for Academic Publishing” project based on agreement No. RCN/SP/0584/2021 from the resources of Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
Scientific Social Responsibility programs – Science for All – constitute an important offer for society. They aim at identifying opportunities, supporting dialogue and engaging large groups of stakeholders. Science for All increases the efficiency and effectiveness of activities in science and research areas, implementing the University’s Third Mission.
Not only does Science for All popularize and disseminate science but also stimulates cognitive curiosity and integrate local communities with academia. The Science for All initiatives are supposed to equal educational opportunities and reach those parts of the country where academic and scientific activity has not existed so far.
The editorial office of Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine proudly informs that the journal has been accepted into Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and is indexed in this database. This fact confirms our integrity regarding publication ethics and clear rules for authors.