Become a Reviewer
If you want to become our Reviewer, please register in our Editorial System as a Reviewer:
Do not forget to provide information about your specialty and field of interest using keywords during registration. Should you encounter any problems with registration, please contact the Managing Editor [].
Then, visit and contact one of our Section Editors responsible for your specialty.
Incentive for our Reviewers
Since January 1, 2021, our Reviewers receive 5 points for each review prepared for our journal.
A total of 20 points* allows them to publish an article in Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine free of charge.
*points are valid for 2 years counting from January 1 of the year in which the were awarded.
If an author knows or supposes that they are eligible for APC waiver, they should contact the managing editor [] - the Editorial System does not always remind editors about such eligibility.