Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine
2016, vol. 25, nr 6, November-December, p. 1331–1336
doi: 10.17219/acem/32026
Publication type: review
Language: English
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Thymosin β as an Actin-binding Protein with a Variety of Functions
1 Department of Medical Biochemistry, Wroclaw Medical University, Poland
According to current data, the thymosin β family is composed of 20 short (40–44 amino acid) peptides, but in a healthy human body only 2 are expressed – thymosin β4 and β10. Their most characteristic feature is the ability to form a complex with monomeric actin, thereby preventing polymerization into a filamentous form, hence the name Actin-Binding Protein (ABP). These peptides play numerous different functions. Among others, they affect the processes of carcinogenesis, differentiation and angiogenesis, influence metalloproteinase activity and accelerate wound healing. Moreover, significant biological activity has also been displayed by Tβ4 derived peptides: Ac-SDKP, the N-terminal fragment which is involved, inter alia, in stimulating angiogenesis and the inhibition of stem cell proliferation and Tβ4 sulfoxide, an oxidation product of one of the peptide methionine by hydrogen peroxide, which inhibit the development of inflammation. The properties of these peptides have potential applications in cardiovascular medicine, dermatology, ophthalmology and other medical areas.
Key words
thymosin β, Ac-SDKP, Tβ4 sulfoxide
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